Your financial plans are only as good as the details in them. Specializing in estate, pension, and wealth accumulation planning, JMR Financial Services will be there to make
sure all the details of your plan are as good as your financial goals.


Financial security is not something that results from a single decision or action. Your financial security develops from a series of interconnected decisions that, together, wrap you, your business, and your family in a web of certainty.

As important as each decision can be, it's easy to miss one, or to put off making a tough choice until “tomorrow.” When you work with JMR Financial Services, you have someone on your side today, helping you to identify the important decisions you may be overlooking or postponing, so that when tomorrow comes you are prepared for what it brings.

If you're a business owner looking to make sure your financial plan is in top shape, JMR Financial Services is ready to review it with you. Small changes to areas like your employee benefits, retirement plans, and ancillary benefits plans can make for a big improvement. JMR Financial Services also specializes in continuation planning, to ensure your business strategy continues.

In your personal financial life, what stumbling blocks are standing in the way of the security you wish for your family? What are the decisions you hesitate to make: investments and wealth management, your will, life and disability insurance, college funding for your children and grandchildren, or planning for your own or your parents' long-term care?

Sit down for a free consultation with JMR Financial Services to identify where you are and what you need. And let us help you plan to get where you need to be.